Most Reliable Solar Batteries in San Diego from Action Solar

Solar panels combined with batteries has existed for over 100 years, but recently the technology has reached a point where the power storage is very convenient and cost effective for the consumer. Having a battery will change your energy management for the better. Enjoy energy independence with a battery, with the ability to use your own power independent of the utilities. Call us today about solar batteries and we’ll explain the many benefits of storing and using your own renewable energy.

Advancements in San Diego Solar Batteries

With home energy battery storage, you can rest assured that your critical home appliances, such as your refrigerator, will have power during a blackout. Blackouts are occurring more frequently in Southern California, due to the increased danger of wildfires. Combining your solar panel installation in San Diego with a home battery makes good sense. The battery will charge during the day when the sun is out, and the stored power can be used at sundown when time of use power is more expensive. Use your residential solar panels with a home battery, any time of the day or night. With solar batteries in San Diego, there is no need to send excess power back to the grid. Typically, utilities pay back customers for excess power at a much lower rate than the customers pay for power.


Time-Of-Use Energy Rate Structures

If you are a Southern California Edison (SCE) customer and buy a new solar system, the company forces you into Time-of-Use billing under Net Metering 2.0. You will receive less credit for the electricity you send back to the grid during the day. Energy storage with a battery solves this dilemma.

The SGIP Energy Storage Rebate Is Still Available

If you are a Southern California Edison (SCE) customer and buy a new San Diego solar system, the company forces you into Time-of-Use billing under Net Metering 2.0. You will receive less credit for the electricity you send back to the grid during the day. Energy storage with a battery solves this problem for you.

When you’re interested in solar batteries for your home, connect with the best solar company in San Diego, Action Solar. We’ll take care of all your solar needs!